Modern Slavery Statement
Modern Slavery Statement
In accordance with Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act of 2015, Axis Solicitors Ltd. is making this declaration on its account. It serves as our declaration against slavery and human trafficking for the upcoming year.
With the registration number Company No: 11525484, Axis Solicitors Ltd. is registered as a limited liability company in England and Wales. The company is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of professionalism, morality, and integrity in all that we do, as well as helping communities around the globe. We are devoted to fighting against modern slavery in its manifestations and do not allow it in our operations or supply chains.
Our Organisation Structure
A partnership of expert immigration solicitors and other immigration law experts makes up Axis Solicitors Ltd. 28 people work at Axis Solicitors Ltd, which has its Head Office in Manchester’s Cheetham Hill.
Regarding all facets of UK immigration law, personal injury law, business crime law, civil litigation law and clinical negligence law, we offer guidance and counsel.
Axis Solicitors is a professional services provider that mostly hires professionals with advanced degrees and professional experience. We focus on ensuring that there are policies and processes in place for our suppliers because we believe there is a low danger of modern slavery developing within our organisation.
Our Principles
Our Organisations Manual contains all our employee-related policies and has been reviewed. Over the next 12 months, we will implement The Dignity at Work Policy and Ethical Reporting Policy to inform all of our staff about modern slavery issues explicitly.
Axis Solicitors Ltd is committed to fighting modern slavery by building channels in our organisation to address such issues immediately, should they be discovered.
Employees may report any known or suspected violation of our ethical standards, including slavery, human trafficking, forced or underage labour, and more general human rights-related concerns, under our ethical reporting policy. It will ensure that anyone may discuss any matter with assurance and use instances of trafficked, compelled, or coerced labour as examples which we expect to be reported.
Due Diligence for Suppliers
We are devoted to preventing human trafficking and modern slavery in our supply chains. We will set up systems over the next year as part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk.
These systems will aim to:
Reduce the risk that slavery and human trafficking will occur in our supply chain networks,
Monitor and highlight potential risk areas in our supply chains,
and Protect whistle-blowers.
We will inform our top suppliers and anyone we work with of our anti-slavery policy so they know our standards. We are not aware of any supply-chain slavery or human trafficking activity. Still, if any issues are brought forward to us, we will act immediately in accordance with our legal and moral obligations.
Performance Measures
The company has committed to reviewing its current supply networks and developing a system for supply chain verification in light of the passing of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, allowing the company to assess potential suppliers before they join the supply chain.
We will include The Modern Slavery Act of 2015’s fundamental tenets in our efforts to educate all employees and partners about modern slavery challenges.
The policies we have implemented on Anti-Slavery, include:
How employees can notify the company about potential slavery or human trafficking issues.
How employees can recognise and prevent slavery and human trafficking.
The Partners agree and approve this statement, and it is signed on their behalf by

Rana Rauf
Partner, Axis Solicitors LTD
1 April 2023