Administrative Removal

Administrative Removal & Deportation

Administrative removal refers to the expulsion of individuals from the UK for breaching immigration laws. This procedure differs from deportation, which is reserved for those who have committed serious criminal offences.

Facing administrative removal can be an overwhelming experience. At Axis Solicitors, our team of experts has a strong track record in successfully challenging these removals. We are dedicated to protecting your rights and securing the best possible outcome. Contact Axis Solicitors today for a free initial assessment.

solicitor reviewing a administrative removal & deportation case at his desk.

Support for Re-entry

If you have been previously removed from the UK, Axis Solicitors is here to help you assess your eligibility for re-entry under current immigration rules. Our experienced solicitors will guide you through the entire process, keeping you well-informed about potential outcomes and supporting you throughout your immigration journey. We provide clear, upfront information about all associated legal service fees.

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FAQ: Administrative Removal & Deportation

Administrative removal or deportation orders are emotionally taxing events to handle. However, if you receive an Administrative Removal Order or Deportation Order in the UK, there are several options to consider going forward. Depending on the unique circumstances of your case, our solicitors can determine whether or not any of the following options are applicable to your case.

Appeal Against Home Office Decisions
If you believe the Home Office has made a mistake, you have the right to challenge their decision by appealing to the First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber). Our solicitors are skilled at diligently preparing appeals and ensure they are well-supported with appropriate documentation. 

Request an Administrative Review
Depending on the specifics of your case, it may be an option for you to request the Home Office to review their decision without the need for a formal appeal. 

Human Rights Claims
If you face persecution or other human rights violations in your home country, considering a human rights claims may be worth exploring with a qualified solicitor. Many of our solicitors specialise in handling these claims and be able to assist by evaluating your eligibility and assist you in building a strong and documented claim.

Leave to Remain Applications
Depending on your individual circumstances, it may be that you qualify for various leave to remain categories, such as family visas, partner visas, or humanitarian protection visas. For any of these applications our solicitors can guide you through the application process, while ensuring you choose the best route to increase your chances of success.

In UK immigration law, the terms “Deportation” and “Administrative Removal” are often confused but they nevertheless have distinct meanings. Deportation is a more severe procedure, applied to individuals whose presence in the UK is deemed not conducive to the public good, due to criminal activity. 

Conversely, Administrative Removal applies to individuals who lack proper rights to stay in the UK, such as those with expired visas, visa refusals, or violations of visa conditions. 

Understanding these differences is crucial as they have different future implications and potential solutions. At Axis Solicitors, we have skilled immigration solicitors with extensive experience to determine if you are eligible for reentry, whether it involves appealing a removal decision or reapplying for the appropriate visa. Being well-informed and seeking professional advice will significantly improve the likelihood of a successful outcome in your case.

Administrative Removal is a process where individuals can be required to leave the UK for not following immigration rules. This could happen if you:

  • Enter the UK without permission: This includes arriving without a valid visa or using deception to enter.
  • Overstay your visa: Remaining in the UK beyond the date your visa allows is a breach of immigration rules.
  • Breach your visa conditions: This could involve working when you don’t have permission or committing a crime.

Also, do notice that family members of someone facing Administrative Removal, may also face removal.

Deportation is a serious matter that can result in forced removal from the United Kingdom. While each case is unique, here are some common situations where deportation may occur:

  • Criminal convictions: If you are convicted of a serious crime in the UK, especially one that poses a threat to public safety, you could face deportation after serving your sentence.
  • Threat to public good: Even without a criminal conviction, if the Home Office believes your presence in the UK is not conducive to the public good, you could be subject to deportation.
  • Association with deportees: Being the partner or family member of someone who is being deported may also put you at risk of deportation.
  • Specific offences: Certain offences, even those not considered serious, may be grounds for deportation under UK law.

It is important to note that deportation is a complex legal process with the potential for appeals. If you are concerned about the possibility of deportation, it is crucial to seek advice from an experienced immigration solicitor as soon as possible.

At Axis Solicitors, we have dedicated immigration solicitors who can provide expert guidance and representation on all matters relating to deportation. Contact us today for a free initial assessment.

If you are facing the prospect of removal from the UK, it is helpful to understand the various processes involved. 

Administrative Removal 

There are two principal types of administrative removal:

  1. Inland Removal: Individuals found violating their visa terms within the country may be detained, assessed for potential discretionary release, and then escorted to a departure point for removal.
  2. Removal from Port: If entry is denied at a port of arrival, individuals can be removed without being granted entry into the country.

Notice of Removal 

The timeframe for a removal notice can vary significantly depending on factors such as detention status, ongoing appeals, or scheduled charter flights.

Legal Recourse Against Removal 

Our experienced immigration solicitors can provide expert assistance in challenging removal decisions. At Axis Solicitors we are skilled in meticulously examining the legality of procedures and exploring all available legal options for recourse.

Contesting Deportation 

There may be opportunities to challenge a deportation order on the grounds of asylum or human rights violations.

Secure Your Future

Facing Administrative Removal or Deportation?

Axis Solicitors specialises in administrative removal and deportation cases.

Our experienced solicitors are dedicated to achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients.