Proposed Civil Partner Visa

UK Proposed Civil Partnership Visa

Individuals who are engaged to a British citizen or someone who is permanently settled in the UK and who intends to form a Civil Partnership within the United Kingdom may be eligible to apply for a Proposed Civil Partner Visa to enter the UK.

Our team at Axis Solicitors is available to help those seeking expert legal guidance for the Proposed Civil Partner Visa application process. We invite you to contact us for comprehensive legal advice and professional assistance.

Proposed Civil Partner Visa couple smiling during preparation and supported by Axis Solicitors Manchester office.

Proposed Civil Partner Visa Assistance

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Axis Solicitors is here to help.

  • Experienced Immigration Specialists: Our team has in-depth knowledge of UK immigration law and proven success in handling complex cases.
  • Personalised Support: We understand your unique circumstances and tailor our services accordingly.
  • From Simple to Complex: Our solicitors can handle everything from straightforward applications to challenging appeals.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Understanding Your Visa Options

If you want to form a civil partnership in the UK, you will need to apply for one of these visas:

  • Civil Partnership Visit Visa:

      • Purpose: For a short visit to the UK to either form a civil partnership or give notice of your intent to do so.
      • Best for: Couples who just need a short time in the UK for the official process.
  • Proposed Civil Partner Visa:

    • Purpose: For engaged partners of UK citizens, settled persons, those with specific visas, or those with refugee/humanitarian protection status.
    • Allows you to enter the UK and have your civil partnership ceremony within 6 months of arrival.
    • Best for: Couples who want to live in the UK together after their civil partnership.

Important Note: The specific requirements and application processes differ for each visa type.

You must apply for a UK Proposed Civil Partner Visa from outside the UK. Here’s how to determine the right location:

  • Your Country of Residence: Apply from the country where you officially reside (not just visiting).
  • Citizenship Not Required: You do not need to be a citizen of that country to apply from there.

Important Note: Applying from the correct location is crucial for your visa application.

This is the application process, but be aware that rules and forms can change:

  1. Get the Right Form: Consult an immigration solicitor to ensure you use the correct application form specific to your situation.
  2. Gather Documents Early: Some documents need to be dated before you submit your application, so start this process alongside completing the form.
  3. Online Application: The primary way to apply is through an online form.
  4. Upload Documents: You will likely be able to upload scans of your supporting documents.
  5. Check for Updates: Double-check the current procedures for your country, as the Home Office sometimes makes changes.

Important: Working with an experienced immigration law firm, such as Axis Solicitors, helps avoid errors and delays caused by outdated information.

Normally, you must form your civil partnership within the 6-month period granted by your Proposed Civil Partner Visa. However, life can be unpredictable. 

Here Is What You Can Do:

  • Apply for an Extension: You may be able to extend your visa for another 6 months if you can provide:
    • A valid reason for the delay
    • Proof that your ceremony is scheduled to take place within the extension period

Important: It is always best to plan your civil partnership well within the original 6-month timeframe to avoid unnecessary stress.

Here is the general timeline explained:

  • Initial Visa: You will start with a 6-month Proposed Civil Partner Visa.
  • After Civil Partnership: Switch to the Civil Partner Visa for 2.5 years.
  • Extension: Apply to extend your Civil Partner Visa for another 2.5 years.
  • Eligibility for Settlement (ILR):
    • Most People: After 5 total years on the Civil Partner Visa, you can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), also known as settlement.
    • Some Situations: A longer, 10-year path to ILR might apply.
  • After Getting ILR:
    • Married to a British Citizen: Apply for citizenship immediately.
    • Not Married to a Citizen: Wait 1 year after getting ILR, then you can apply for citizenship.

Important:  The rules for the 5-year vs. 10-year paths to ILR can be complex. Consult our immigration experts for your specific situation.

You likely have the right to appeal the decision. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Human Rights Claim: Proposed Civil Partner Visa applications are considered human rights cases, which grants you appeal rights.
  • Where Your Appeal is Heard: The First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) in the UK handles these appeals.
  • Attending the Appeal:
    • Inside the UK: Both you and your partner can attend and give testimony.
    • Outside the UK: Your partner can attend, but you’ll submit written statements and evidence. Remote testimony might be an option in some cases.
  • Important: Appeals can be complex and take a long time.

Get Expert Help

A Specialist Immigration Solicitor Can:

  • Assess if you have strong grounds for an appeal
  • Guide you through the process
  • Represent you at the appeal hearing

If worried that you do not qualify for the traditional Proposed Civil Partner Visa, there is still hope. You might still have a path to enter or remain in the UK on human rights grounds.

Situations Where This May Apply:

  • You have a British or Irish citizen child in the UK.
  • Your child has lived in the UK for 7+ years and leaving would be unreasonable.
  • Living outside the UK would cause significant, unavoidable hardship for you and your partner.
  • Denying your entry or forcing you to leave would violate your human rights.

How Axis Solicitors Can Help

  • Assess Your Situation: We will carefully review your circumstances to see if you have a strong human rights case.
  • Expert Legal Guidance: Our solicitors understand the complexities of these cases and can guide you every step of the way.

Building Your Case: Let our experts help you gather evidence and present the strongest possible arguments.

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