Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery

UK Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Victims

The Illegal Migration Act 2023 has reshaped the landscape of UK immigration law, presenting new challenges for survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking. In 2024, Axis Solicitors remains at the forefront of these changes, providing expert legal guidance to victims.

We will fiercely advocate for your rights, secure access to support services, and relentlessly pursue the justice you are entitled to under the new legal framework.

Lady Justice statue representing justice for modern slavery and human trafficking victims, at Axis Solicitors in Manchester.

FAQ: Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking

Modern slavery refers to the exploitation of individuals through coercion, deception, or abuse of vulnerability. Human trafficking, a subset of modern slavery, involves transporting or forcing individuals into exploitative situations, often across borders. In the UK, the Modern Slavery Act 2015 defines and criminalises these practices.

Signs include being forced to work against your will, controlled by an employer or trafficker, threats of harm if you leave, unpaid or unfair wages, and restricted movement or communication.

Yes, victims of trafficking may be granted temporary permission to remain in the UK. This is known as Discretionary Leave to Remain. However, recent changes under the Illegal Migration Act 2023 have made this process more challenging

Consulting with one of our experienced immigration solicitors often proves to be invaluable for trafficking survivors seeking to remain in the UK.

Victims can access a range of services, including legal support, housing, healthcare, and psychological support. The UK’s National Referral Mechanism (NRM) helps identify and support victims.

  1. Yes, victims of human trafficking in the UK may be able to claim compensation for the exploitation and harm they have suffered. This can be pursued through civil claims or by applying to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. Schedule a free initial assessment with one of our experts.

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Are you a victim of human trafficking seeking legal support in the UK? 

Axis Solicitor’s expert immigration solicitors are dedicated to helping survivors achieve successful outcomes.